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Kota Isogai
デロイト&トゥシュ監査法人、プライスウォーターハウスクーパースを経て2015 年当社入社。15 年以上の投資経験を有する。
ニューヨーク大学MBA 、慶應義塾大学商学部学士。
Mr. Isogai is the Vice President of Research for Dalton’s Tokyo research office, Dalton Advisory KK, and has 15 years of investment experience. Prior to joining Dalton Advisory KK in 2015, Mr. Isogai worked in valuation and modelling at PricewaterhouseCoopers, and prior to that, as an auditor at Deloitte.
Mr. Isogai holds an MBA from New York University and a BA in Business and Commerce from Keio University.
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