James B. Rosenwald III, CFA
1981 年より運用業界に身を投じ、ソロス・グループの外部アドバイザーを務めながら1992 年にRosenwald, Roditi & Company(現Rovida Asset Management Management)を設立、1999 年にダルトン・インベストメンツLLC を設立。
2012 年よりニューヨーク大学ビジネススクールの非常勤教授。講義「グローバル・バリュー・インベスティング」の教鞭をとり、学生からも好評を博している。
ニューヨーク大学MBA 、Vassar College 卒業、CFA Society of Los Angeles 会員。
Mr. Rosenwald is a Founding Partner and Chief Investment Officer at Dalton Investments. He is a recognized authority in Pacific Rim investing with more than 40 years of investment experience. He formerly co-managed and founded Rosenwald, Roditi & Company, Ltd., now known as Rovida Asset Management, Ltd., which he established in 1992 with Nicholas Roditi. Mr. Rosenwald advised numerous Soros Group funds between 1992 and 1998.
Mr. Rosenwald holds an MBA from New York University and an AB from Vassar College. He is a CFA charterholder and a director of numerous investment funds. He is a member of the CFA Society of Los Angeles and the CFA Institute, and is an Adjunct Professor of Finance at New York University’s Stern Business School.